Multimedia Final Project

Construct 2 Game Link:

Team Members:
1. Ryan Anggada Kho (2101704672)
2. Vincent Joyan (2101699672)
3. Krishita Sukhanti (2101716773)

This is the main menu of the game

Choose the difficulty

Inside the game

When the user wins the game

When the user lose otherwise

How To Play

To start playing the game, the player has to choose three difficulties provided. Once a difficulty has been chosen, the player can enter in-game. The objective of the game is to serve the vehicle distillate to earn money and reach the goal money provided within the time limit.

From the HUD of the in-game, you will see the money the player currently owned, goal money the player has to reach to win the game, time limit, car available and current inventory of the distillate the player holds (only available in easy mode).

You will see that vehicle spawns every time, to be able to take vehicle’s order, click on the vehicle (it will be pointed to know which vehicle is selected) and click on the unoccupied gas dispenser on the left side. After that, you will see what the vehicle wants what kind of distillate, so on the right side you will see distillation tank with different temperatures that outputs different distillate product.

When one of the distillation tank is clicked, the player will move and collect a distillate, once collected, the player is unable to swap the distillate if clicked incorrectly but can be disposed with the trash bin to revert mistake but reduces the money by $25. To serve distillate to the vehicle, simply click on the vehicle with requested order and the player moves to the vehicle automatically to give the distillate. If the distillate matches the vehicle’s request, the player receives $200, however if wrong, the player loses $100.

The game ends either when there are no remaining vehicles or when the time limit is up. If the player exceeded or matches the goal money either when the time is up or not, the player wins. Or else if below, the player loses. The player can choose to retry (which starts the game at the same difficulty), change the difficulty or go back to main menu.

Game Controls

The controls that is only available in this game are mouse clicks, used to press the button that the user wants and on sprites to make the game interactive and playable.


Ryan: Gameplay Coding
Vincent: Sprites and Arts, Player Movement Coding
Krissie: Button Coding, Debugging

Items that are created by ourselves

Gas Dispenser Sprite
Gas Station InGame Background Sprite
Player Sprite
Fuel Block Sprite
Vehicle Sprite
Distillation Dash Logo Sprite
Distillation Tank Sprite
(All are edited with, Adobe Photoshop CC and Microsoft Paint)

Items that are not created by ourselves and are taken by the internet

Gas Station Intro Background:×1152/gas-station-minimalist
Victory Background:×1080
Game Buttons:
Nise Sound Effect:
Despacito Sound Effect: (part of it)
Lose Music: Blonde Redhead – For The Damaged Coda (
Victory Music: Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Victory Fanfare (
Main Menu Music: Diner Dash Theme Music (
In Game Music: Diner Dash Level 3 Music (
Lose Background:
Mouse Click:
Construct 2 Logo:
Chat Bubble:
Right and Wrong symbol:

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